Hi Jim,

I thought we had toolkit.globus.org hosted copies of those docs, but I
can't find them.

This works:


On 1/26/2016 8:50 AM, Basney, Jim wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a reference on the GridFTP logging format.
> http://toolkit.globus.org/toolkit/docs/latest-stable/gridftp/admin/ points
> to http://cedps.net/index.php/LoggingBestPractices for "more details on
> the CEDPS Logging format" but that site seems to no longer be for the
> Center for Enabling Distributed Petascale Science but is now for Computer
> Experience and Development of Personal Skills which seems to be mostly
> about links to VPN services.
> Is there an updated GridFTP CEDPS Logging format reference I can use?
> Thanks,
> Jim

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