No, we do not have any Globus Endpoint in place but only GridFTP servers as 
Data Transfer Nodes.

Hugo R Hernandez
FDA-CFSAN | Scientific Computing Team
5001 Campus Dr
College Park, MD 20740
(301) 348-1780 – Office<>|<>

From: "Foster, Ian T." <<>>
Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at 2:00 PM
To: Hugo Hernandez 
Cc: "<>" 
Subject: Re: [gt-user] Using GridFTP on Windows hosts

Have you tried installing Globus Connect Personal and using the Globus service?

On Sep 20, 2017, at 12:56 PM, Hernandez, Hugo * 
<<>> wrote:

Hello there, we are trying to install Windows client of the Globus Toolkit and 
then access the DTN GridFTP servers we have configured by using SSH as 
authentication method (we use this successfully in both Mac OS X and Linux).  
The first problem we have encountered is shown on the following pic:


We have been looking online as there is not that much documentation around so 
help will be greatly appreciated.  This is what we have done so far to install 
the Windows client:

Download the MinGW version of the Globus Toolkit package from the Globus portal 
at and 
download the binary zip file Extract the files 
to a local folder of choice.  (Ex: “C:\Program Files”)
Add the <Local Folder>\Globus\bin to the system PATH using the steps below.

  *   From the desktop, right click the Computer icon.
  *   Choose Properties from the context menu.
  *   Click the Advanced system settings link.
  *   Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the 
PATH environment variable and select it.
  *   Click Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New.
  *   In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the 
value of the PATH environment variable Or append ";c:\<Local 
Folder>\Globus\bin" to the existing value.
  *   Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.

Once we are able to address the “Error -1, activating gass cipy module” issue, 
what is next to setup the windows client to use SSH for authentication? 
Clearly, the user should have SSH access into the corresponding DTN.

Note: we are trying to avoid users to use Cygwin but the MinGW version of the 
Globus Toolkit client for Windows.

Again, help will be greatly appreciated!


Hugo R Hernandez
FDA-CFSAN | Scientific Computing Team
5001 Campus Dr
College Park, MD 20740
(301) 348-1780 – Office<>|<>

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