[A few of my thoughts and some feature requests at the end]

Hello all,

I looked at mGTD years ago and decided that D3 was more suited to me.
I really didn't get on with mgtd's dashboard and slow entry method and
found d3 very configurable/hackable.

I recently re-thought my gtd methodology, due to being snowed under by
index cards that I never get around to entering into the system, and
looked at various option again.

Tried Thinking Rock, but that didn't feel any good to me. Then took
another look at mGTD to see how it had changed. I found myself much
more at home with it than I had done previously and was impressed
(rather than frustrated as I was years ago) with the lay out. Then I
stumbled across the 'Quck Add' button. That feature looked to be a
total deal clincher to me so I transferred my d3 information into mGTD
(with the help of 
and tried it out. I have not used it extensively since then (Christmas
and family time etc), but it's looking very good so far.

The quick add feature is incredible. d3 was great for adding actions
to projects, but being able to add many projects at once is fantastic.
My plan for this is to create a simple text file and amend it through
the day (maybe using Launchy to make the process even smoother). At
the end of every day, I can simply cut and paste that text file into
quick add. That's just so good!

One question I have is with next actions. In d3, only the fist action
was the next action. When that action was finished, the following
action was the new next action. This could be changed manually so that
you could tag other actions as 'floating', enabling them too to be
active, but the default was for one at a time. That seemed to be much
more gtd than all of the actions being active at once unless you
manually toggle them, or am I missing something? It seems like to get
what d3 does in terms of automatically creating your next action would
take lots of activating and deactivating actions in mgtd.

Another part of mgtd that I liked was 'areas' as I had built this into
d3 myself and all of my area tags kept working fine (with a bit of
work) after moving them over to mgtd. I did it slightly differently on
my system in that I tag a project with multiple areas. For example
"Home: Buy new bed" may be tagged with 'home', 'finances' and
'family' (bad example, but you get the idea). Most of my projects have
between 2 and 4 area tags. This work fine in mgtd, although it would
be handy to be able to click on multiple areas within a project rather
than having to click on one and add the rest manually by editing.

I love the simple way that projects can be moved between 'Active' and
'Someday/Maybe' at the click of a button within the projects
dashboard. That's going to be great for weekly reviews.

At the moment, I'm not using the 'realm' feature, but I really like
it. I just want to give it all a bit more thought before I start re-
tagging 500 projects so that I don't change my mind about the realms
half way through.

That's about it for my aimless thoughts. Congratulations to the
developers and I'm enjoying finding out about the new functions I have
available to me. I still have a fondness for d3 and my hacks of it,
but I'm happy with mGTD at the moment (hasn't had heavy use yet

Thanks again. A few feature requests are listed below if anyone is



- Is it possible to make the default tag for a new project added by
Quick Add to be Someday/Maybe rather than Active? This could maybe be
a toggleable option to switch on and off? Personally, I want most of
my newly entered projects to be 'Someday' and changed over to 'active'
only on a weekly review

- In quick add, could 'Space' separate tags rather than | (after the
first |)? This is the way that d3 handles adding actions. It's no big
problem. It would just speed up entry.
".call dad|@calls @home @quick" rather than ".call dad|@calls|@home|

- Tag abbreviations within quick add? Would it be possible to manually
set up some abbreviations for tags? Such as 'sm' instead of typing
Someday/Maybe, or 'ff' instead of typing [[Friends and Family]], or
'$' instead of Finances.

- Could quick add have a method to add notes into projects?
Scratch bum|Personal
.find index finger|@home|@office
_Easier when not seated
.scratch when ready|@home

in the above example, the '_' prefix would tell quick add to add the
line as notes within the project. No idea if that is possible or not.

- Can a project have more than one area selectable? Multiple area tags
work fine, but currently need to be manually added as you can only
pick one from a drop down list. If they were all visible and
toggleable (as contexts are within actions) then multiple areas could
be applied much more easily.

- Quick add within a project. Can quick add be done within a project
as d3 does? I know that you can do it by typing the name of the
project in the quick add section, but that requires extra cutting and
pasting to make so that there are no typos. Clicking edit (or a new
quick add button) within a project and then using the '.xyx|@home'
terminology would be very useful.

- Can the order of areas be changed? At the moment, they show up in
various listings in the order in which they were created.
Alphabetically, or manual rearranging would be nice.

- Printing the Projects Dashboard. I would like to print the Projects
Dashboard for a hard copy view during a weekly review. At the moment,
with almost 500 projects, I get a few on a page and the rest are lost
if I try to print. Is there any way around this so that a tiddler can
print onto multiple pages?
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