The tiddler you want is "MGTDSidebar".  However I'm not sure it saves
you any screen space, and they'll probably come right back if you ever
update your mGTD with the latest source.

If you are desperate to find a tiddler, you can always use your
browser's 'View Source' option and search, and it should be easy
enough to figure out where it is called.

Once you know the name, you can go to the Sidebar -> More... -> TW ->
All, and it will be in the list.

I agree that it would be helpful to get a list or a tiddler containing
everything tagged with 'excludeSearch', or a search option which would
ignore that tag.  If anyone knows how, please respond!


On Mar 30, 6:06 am, mizipzor <> wrote:
> Short version: How do I edit the sidebar? Navigation box situated
> topright in the default theme containing Work/Review/Process.
> Long version: Been trying out the software for the last two hours.
> Something is nagging me, and I want to edit it. Its the sidebar (or
> main menu).
> I want to do away with the Process tab (I can do all that with
> quickadd it seems, so the tab just bloats).
> I want Review gone, most of the entries there are duplicates (or close
> to duplicates) of the things I find under Work.
> In Work, Ive added some custom entries I want, and removed most of
> them (since they were so similar).
> Just wanted to explain since this is the first time I try the GTD
> approach (hence, also the first software I try) am I way off here? :P
> Ive been looking where to edit the sidebar. Closest I got was to
> change the individual tabs (Work/Review/Process). I also found some
> theme ticklers, but I couldnt find any sidebar stuff in there,
> although logically I thought it was there I should look.
> Its hard to search for this stuff as well, since most of them have the
> excludeSearch tag. Can I search with those tags included btw?
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