Hi Jonathan,
You don't mention which browser you're using so I don't know if you've
already tried Prism (http://prism.mozilla.com/)?  In exchange for the loss
of a few browser features, Prism gives me an enormous improvement in speed.


On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Jonathan El-Bizri <srnd...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello all,
> Like everyone here, my professional and personal life is now neatly
> contained in the essential and wondrous jscript and html wrapping that
> is monkeyGTD.
> And I live a very full life. Exceedingly so it, apparently, since now
> that I've made mGTD essential, it's starting to verge on unusable.
> I've tried all the basic tricks (turn off animations, empty the dead
> tiddlers, etc, etc), but I need something more drastic: my morning
> check in now takes over an hour, mainly because I’m waiting for stuff
> to update. Quick add is now no longer usable – adding more than a few
> items can take up to ten minutes to process.
> Tiddlywiki.org ( http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Performance_Issues )
> suggest turning off inefficient looping functions. To wit:
> "The problems reported by people with large TiddlyWikis are usually
> performance based, and it seems that the solution (once you've
> disabled animations..) is to remove macros that loop through every
> tiddler, like the tabs in the sidebar. So it's not so much the size
> that's the problem in a direct sense, but the fact that many TW macros
> assume that looping through every tiddler isn't very slow."
> Well that's fine and dandy, but strikes me as a stop gap measure: it
> might give me another megabyte of functionality (or so), but looking
> over my back ups, I can expect to be creating at least a megabyte or
> so of new >permanent< (ie tiddlers, reference items, etc) content by
> the end of 2009. And as things get more and more complex, and we
> capture more and more of our lives in this amazing tool, I can only
> see performance being a greater and greater issue.
> I’m sure I’m not alone in needing a faster implementation of mGTD.
> Suggestions? This hasn't been addressed to any satisfaction anywhere I
> look.
> It’s high time for a project that takes mGTD from it’s flat file
> roots, allows clean data migration, maintains the easy customization
> of functionality (and where at all possible compatibility and
> installation) while providing a few orders of magnitude faster
> processing and rendering.
> Comments? I couldn’t organize my life without mGTD, so if this problem
> hasn’t been solved already, I’m going to have to sit down and solve it
> myself. Anyone want to help? (I'm f-ing hopeless, so if you want a
> solution any time soon, you’ll have to pitch in. Ok, not quite
> hopeless :>)
> Jonathan El-Bizri
> Project Manager and Graduate Student in Psychology Research, San
> Francisco State.
> >

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