Is there a way to email tasks / projects or actions straight to the
online version of monkeygtd?

Something like the quick add perhaps?:
About Quick Add?
Enter projects and actions here. Click 'create these items' to create
Example usage:
Paint House
.Buy ladder and brushes|Errand
.Choose colours|Home|W
By default actions are next actions.
Specify W or F to make them future or Waiting For. You can create
multiple projects and project-less actions.

You can also specify area for projects. Order dosn't matter, as there
can only be one uniquely named tiddler. The following is valid:
Paint House|Home Maintenance|Personal
.Buy ladder and brushes|Errand
.Choose colours|W|Home
To specify multiple projects and tasks, along with project-less
actions, the below is an example of one way create two projects with
tasks, and then a stand alone action.
Clean up yard|Personal|Home Maintenance
.Pick up sticks|Weekend
.Bag all the sticks|Weekend
Check out latest SAN offerings|Research|Work
.Read up on all major vendors offerings|Reading
.Call Doug for opinion|Call
.Check budget|Work|F

.Call Tara about tickets
If you want to add an action to an already existing project, you can
specify the project name to do so:
.Pick up lumber at Home Depot|Build toolshed|Errand

Or does someone know another way to make this happen?

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