I have played around with views a bit and have a view that does
something similar to what I think you're looking for.
It uses the core <<tiddler>> macro and NestedSlidersPlugin (http://
Maybe if you took a look you'd be able to tweak it to fit your needs?
Note: If you have the latest version of TW (2.6.2) this view will
distinguish among tiddlers with contents and those with none - and
only offer the slider when there's content to display.

You can see it in action here:

the actual code is:
//myAction with contents
  render_myAction: function() {
var showControl= "";
var mydisplayType = "";
var tid_length="";
mydisplayType += store.getTiddlerText(this.title);
tid_length +=mydisplayType;
                        if (tid_length !="null") {showControl += 
[[%0]]>>===\n'; }

                return this.renderUtil(
                '<<toggleTag Done [[%0]] ->>'+
                '<<multiToggleTag tag:ActionStatus title:[[%0]]>>'+
                '<<singleToggleTag tag:Starred title:[[%0]]>>'+
                '<<deleteTiddler [[%0]]>>'+
                '&nbsp; [[%0]] '+
                '}}} %1',


On Feb 3, 10:29 am, stuckagain <webmas...@thrale.com> wrote:
> I am making progress.
> In the tag dashboard I have discovered that ...
>         <div macro="mgtdList title:'Journals'
>                 tags:'Journal && !Trash'
>                 view:DoneAction
>                 dontShowEmpty:yes
>                 sort:-title
>                 gView:bold
>                 ignoreRealm:yes
>                 "></div>
> ... is almost what I want. Note the different "view:" parameter. This
> renders the tiddler text as a notes icon, which if you hover the mouse
> over the icon renders the text in an unwikified way as a tooltip.
> I now understand that to get what I want, I need to create a new view
> type in TiddlerViewMethods. This should be a slight variation on
> DoneAction ...
>         render_DoneAction: function() { return this.renderUtil(
>                 '{{action{'+
>                 '<<toggleTag Done [[%0]] ->>'+
>                 '<<singleToggleTag tag:Starred title:[[%0]]>>'+
>                 ' [[%0]] '+
>                 '<<deleteTiddler [[%0]]>>'+
>                 '}}}'+
>                 '{{notesLink{<<showNotesIcon [[%0]]>>}}}',
>                 [
>                         this.title
>                 ]
>         );},
> the bit that needs to be changed is ...
>                 '{{notesLink{<<showNotesIcon [[%0]]>>}}}',
> ... so that the body text is instead shown wikified in a table cell or
> area next to (or under) the tiddlertitle (which is a date)
> Alas, my javascript skills aren't good enough. Can someone assist?
> I'd also like to get this in a slider and wrapping it all in ...
>      <slider Journals>
>         mgtdList code here
>      </slider>
> ... doesn't work either!
> Can anyone help me in my stumbling journey towards this solution?
> Thanks

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