Hi Daniel,

Check out the mGSD enhancements I've made at 
- among them are new project statuses (inspired by your post!)
* Active
* Ongoing
* Someday/Maybe
* Dormant (for things that definitely will happen, but not yet - like
yearly taxes, etc. This is different from S/M which may never happen!)
* Abandoned

The problem with them not showing up may be due to specific tags
(Active, etc.) being looked for in the mgtdList's in your TagDashboard
Tiddler. For example:

        <div macro="mgtdList title:'Next Actions'
          tags:'Action && Next && !Done'
          newButtonTags:'Action Next'

Note that the "tags:" line will restrict things. Also, make sure you
tag your project statuses with "ProjectStatus"!

David Szego

On Jan 10, 2:52 pm, DDdW <danieldennisde...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all a big compliment to mGSD and everyone who contributed to
> it. I've tried a gazillion of offline and online GTD tools, but GSD is
> truly the most natural system I've encountered. And also because it's
> a tiddlywiki small nuisances I can tweak.
> I added a new projectstatus today called "Ongoing" for projects that
> really don't end. They are too big too see as a single task, and are
> too apparent to simply call an 'area'. Think of things like 'social
> life', or 'administration'.
> Adding another ProjectStatus wasn't too hard to find out.
> I found the others in the tiddler Projecstatus, and saw how the coding
> worked (only really had to make a new tiddler, copy paste it from
> another projectstatus, change the names and colnumber).
> Then some tweaks to project dashboards, and the newly assigned
> projects shows up nice where they belong.
> Only issue I have is that (next) actions in projects with the status
> Ongoing are treated just as they are as actions in someday/Maybe: they
> aren't visible!
> For Someday/Maybe I understand that those actions would be just
> clutter in most overviews. But how can I show my 'Ongoing' actions in
> dashboards like "Next Actions by Context"?
> I thimbled around in some of the core files, but couldn't quite find
> what I was looking for.
> I suspect it has something to do with "tiddler.hasActiveProject()".
> Can you please help me make this small tweak?
> very much appreciated.

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