On Monday 25 July 2005 12:38 pm, Zeeshan Ali wrote:
> Hello,
> >         Expose is no problem, but what about when it is hid? basically I
> > want to know when the window is hid, so I don't draw to it.
>    If you only want to check if a widget is visible or not at a
> particular time, you'll need to check for the 'visible' property of
> the widget. Moreover, 'expose' signal is called for both the cases
> (show and hide). If you choose to go the 'expose' way then connect
> your handler using g_signal_connect_after().

Nice tip, but unfortunately the expose event does not signal when the object 
is covered up. Only when revealed. I even hooked "event" and "event-after" 
and nothing was emitted when I covered up the window. Only events were 
triggered when I moved the mouse into the window and out of it and clicks.

The code is doing the following...

        Runs an external process in a thread and what I want is that when the 
is covered up, I want to pause the external process (I can do this via a 
pipe). When the window is revealed I want the external process to continue 
on. Which I then can send it another signal via the pipe. So the code is not 
a loop while it is paused. So I can't check at a regular interval to wake it 

I was hoping I could get signals to tell me when the window was revealed or 
not so that I could pause for example when a screen saver is kicked off. Or 
someone switches to another window because something more important came up.

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