On Friday 19 August 2005 00:03, Wallace Owen wrote:
> I used the function gtk_tree_store_set () to put some data into the
> treestore.  I've got half a dozen root nodes, and several of them have
> child nodes.  All looks spiffy.
> Now I want to remove the 4th item from the tree.  When I put things into
> the tree I made a path from the new iter, made a row ref from the path,
> and saved it in a table associated with the handle for my data.  So I
> have a rowref, which I can turn back into a path, and from there back
> into an iter (what a pain).
> I see the function called gtk_tree_store_remove(), but it just says it
> removes the iter.
> Is there a function to remove this one entry from the treestore, or must
> I remove them all and re-build the whole treestore?

gtk_tree_store_remove() removes the row referenced by the iterator.  I think 
you being a bit too literal, assuming you are not indulging in a bit of 
harmless fun.  (What would removing an iterator mean anyway?)


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