If you want to draw a focus rectangle, you can use gtk_paint_focus()
in _expose().

You also need to use:

        gint focus_width;
        gint focus_pad;

        gtk_widget_style_get( widget,
                "focus-line-width", &focus_width,
                "focus-padding", &focus_pad,
                NULL );

in your size_allocate/size_request to allocate extra space for the
focus indicator. I guess grepping for gtk_paint_focus() in the gtk
sources would give lots of samples.

On 9/18/05, Alexander S.Kresin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Is it possible to tell GTK to draw a border around a container or
>   any other widget, or I must draw it myself, with
>   gdk_draw_rectangle() for example ?
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