On Sat, 1 Oct 2005 09:56:40 -0400 (EDT)
Allin Cottrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Starting from my app's main window, the user can create an 
> additional window displaying a graph.  The newly-opened graph window 
> "naturally" appears above the main window.  It is created using
> gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
> From the graph window in turn, the user can call up a graph-editing 
> dialog, which appears on top of the graph.  The dialog is done with
> gtk_dialog_new()
> When the graph-editing dialog is closed, I expect the graph window 
> to remain above the original, main window.  This is what happens on 
> Linux, but not on win32 (same code).  On Windows, when you close the 
> graph-editing dialog, the app's main window snaps on top of the 
> graph window, which is quite annoying (you can't see the changes you 
> just made, without clicking on the graph window to raise it again).
> I have tried explicitly setting the dialog's gtk window as 
> "transient for" the graph window, but this doesn't change the 
> behavior.
> Is there any other gtk window-controlling option that I'm missing 
> here?  Thanks.
I also found this bug very annoying, but I don't know about any
solution to this problem.

HuamiSoft Hubert Sokolowski
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