On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 13:59 -0700, Colossus wrote:
> Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> > Since the Cairo rendering engine is *SLOW* and the Xara Extreme is being
> > ported to linux, with the full API,
> > i think that´s a good idia to port the Gtk engine to use Xara´s System since
> Who told you Cairo is slow in comparison to Xara Extreme ?
> Xara Extreme is not GPL so no port is possible.

I don't know anything about Xara Extreme, but they are indeed planning
to license it under the GPL:


I'm sure that Cairo will benefit from some of their algorithms and ideas
for sure.  Perhaps Xara would even be best ported to run on top of
Cairo, since it is illustration software.

Michael Torrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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