I've successfully used memprof for leak-checking my app in the past, but on trying it recently something odd happens: memprof starts up OK, and it also starts up the target program, but the target program is not visible (doesn't appear on screen) and memprof records no memory usage.

I tried this with various standard gnome apps as well as my own program, with the same (non-) result.

I then tried rebuilding memprof (0.5.1) with the current Debian patches for compilation against current binutils (GNU binutils 2.16.1). Still nothing.

Any ideas what could be happening here?  Thanks.

(All I see on stderr is

memintercept (449): _MEMPROF_SOCKET = /tmp/memprof.uTNjuX
memintercept (449): New process, operation = NEW, old_pid = 0

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
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