
        What distro are you running?  Did you do a clean ./configure & make?

        The reason I ask: I just pulled down the 2.1.1 release (since CVS still
isn't working) to a clean box that has never had gtkextra-2 on it, made
sure I installed all the dependencies, did a ./configure & make, and
everything worked as expected.  I've even got a testrealtime example
that runs.  The build had a few warnings, but completed cleanly.

        I'm on a MandrivaLinux 2006.0-Free/i586 distro for this test.

        Something platform-specific may be going on.  This may be an issue with
things in non-standard places on your box, or it may be a problem with
the gtkextra-2 configure script not detecting things correctly for your
distro (which I have never dug in to, Adrian would have to look at that
if it turns out to be a problem...).


On Sun, 2006-02-05 at 21:28 -0600, Nickolai Dobrynin wrote:
> Al,
> Thanks for your response.  I've tried both the stable release 2.1.1
> and the
> recent CVS snapshot, and the same problem showed up in both.  Even the
> compilation errors are identical.
> (One additional minor problem I had was that I was forced to write,
> e.g.,
> #include "gtkextra/gtkplot.h" instead of simply #include "gtkplot.h".
> Perhaps
> that should be fixed too).
> It looks as though the API has changed but the examples have not been
> brought up to date with it.
> Regards,
> Nickolai
> On 2/5/06, Al Hooton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>                 Well, I was going to pull down the latest CVS stuff
>         for gtkextra-2, but
>         CVS on does not seem to be cooperating at the moment.
>                 Adrian: Have you used the CVS repository lately?  It
>         looks like there 
>         might be some kind of issue with it that would require the
> admin
>         staff to intervene.  It's failing to create a lock file when I
>         try to
>         checkout the gtkextra-2 module.  This happening both when I
>         log in as 
>         anonymous, and when I log in under my userid.
>                 Nickolai:  In the interim, try downloading the
>         gtkextra-2 2.1.1 source
>         release from 6/24/2005, and see if that builds for you.  It's
>         available 
>         in the "Files" section on
>         -Al
> !DSPAM:43e6c25f160531007017289!

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