Michael L Torrie wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-03-18 at 00:38 +0100, Gus Koppel wrote:
> > However, then you would have to manage all tasks the window manager
> > takes care of by yourself, i.e. minimizing and maximizing the window on
> > request and providing correct drag behaviour. For resizability of your
> > windows you would still have to rely on the real window manager, since
> > the resizing borders don't (and can't) belong to the interior of a
> > window.
> To do resize, you can just detect a mouse drag that starts in, say the
> lower right-hand corner, and then give the real window manager hints to
> resize the window.  This would work on linux and windows.  This is how
> xmms does it (gtk1 app, though).

This is true if mouse move events are reported to the application even
when the mouse pointer has left the inner area of the window. A long
time ago I was experimenting with this and at that time I didn't
succeed. Not sure whether it was with GTK+ at that time, though. So I
thought mouse move events wouldn't be reported to a GTK+ application
when the pointer is outside its window. But apparently in GTK+ this
should happen, indeed?
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