Olexiy Avramchenko wrote:
On 3/21/06, Sander Marechal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is it possible to remove that container, or set it's grey background to
transparent so that the rounded button shape is drawn directly on the
green canvas? A GIMPed mockup of the desired result is at [2].

There's no special container responsible for that, this is the way
your current theme (Clearlooks, right?) draws button's internals. The
partial solution is to use a little hack to avoid default theme, like

-- C
GtkStyle *style;
GtkWidget *button;

button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("the bad bad button");
style = gtk_style_copy (button->style);
gtk_widget_set_style (button, style);
g_object_unref (style);
C --

Nope, no cookie unfortunately :-) Your trick does the opposite of what I intended: It removes the theme from the button (which I like to keep) and still leaves the 1 pixel grey border aroud it (which I want to get rid of).

Hmm... maybe I should rethink the GIU so that I can do without the button in the center of the playing field, or use a custom graphical item that would fit a hearts game.

Thanks for your help though!

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