On Saturday 15 April 2006 05:21, Deependra Shekhawat wrote:
> Hello friends,
> I want to hide a window when user clicks either on the
> close button or press the close (CROSS) on the
> top-right of every window.
> Here is my code:
> GtkWidget *window1;
> GtkWidget *butt_close;
> g_signal_connect((gpointer)butt_close,"clicked",
> G_CALLBACK (on_butt_close_clicked),   (gpointer)
> window1);
> g_signal_connect ((gpointer) window1, "destroy",
>           G_CALLBACK (on_butt_close_clicked), (gpointer)
> window1);
> void on_butt_close_clicked(GtkButton *button,gpointer
> user_data)
> {
>    gtk_widget_hide((GtkWidget *)user_data);
> }
> The window hides up when I click the close button but
> when I try and hide it through clicking the close
> button on the top right of the window it gives the
> following error:


You cannot call gtk_widget_hide() on a widget when it is destroyed (its 
GdkWindow has gone).  You probably meant to connect to the delete-event 
signal.  That is what is emitted when you click the top right button you 
refer to.


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