2006/4/26, Tor Lillqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ross Clement writes:
>  > How much difficulty am I likely to have when I get around to porting it?
>  > a) None!
>  > b) No more than a little
>  > c) A considerable amount of work
>  > d) The project from hell
>  > e) Impossible
> f) Any of the above

I agree with Tor here.

> It all depends on what else your app does, and whether you steer clear
> of known issues in GTK and GLib that are known to be problematic or
> differ in the different backends.
> It really is best to build and test on all platforms every now and
> then, and not start porting only after everything is written and the
> design set in stone.

It's generally know that when designing something, you need to take
into account "everything" important you could incorporate in early
design decisions. This way a fault-deviation could be easily and fast
corrected, and don't generate cascade faults that  just will take so
much effort (money,time,people) to correct, they won't be corrected.

Look at how many people are stick on Microsoft products just because
they decided to create its product without thinking in
portability,because porting to UNIX was too expensive(Unix was very

So you will have:
a-b) If you use Posix compatible code and multiplattforms standars.
c)If Windows doesn't include by default something you want to use.
d)If something you can't control and you need from Microsoft just don't work.
e)If your project-program competes with Microsoft ones.
    Jose Hevia
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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