Thanks Madhusudan...

Your pointers were great for me to start off. I was looking for the
corresponding method in gtkmm.

For those new like me out there... this is what I did:



bool className :: periodicTask(){
        time_t rawtime;
        struct tm * timeinfo;
        string date;

        time ( &rawtime );
        timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
        date = asctime(timeinfo);
        return true;

returning true alone will get the clock ticking. With false, it just
displays once and m_date is not updated.

Hope this helps somebody someday.


On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 10:39 +0530, Madhusudan E wrote:
> Hi, 
> You may use
> For ex:
> g_timeout_add_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,1000, periodicTask, NULL,
> (GDestroyNotify)go_to_timeout);
> Where in , the 'periodicTask' callback will be called every 1 sec (1000
> msec),
> Within this callback you can use, time_t to get the time current time.
> Update your window and display.
> I hope this helps.
> Rgds,
> Madhusudan.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of SIRISHA
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: Display date and time using gtkmm2.4
> Hi All
> In my project, I need to display the date time on the window as long as
> the application is running. Kind of real time display of date,time on
> the window. I can use time_t from time.h and obtain the date and time.
> But, how do I make is real time? I am using libgtk2.8 and libgtkmm 2.4.
> I searched all over the net and couldn't find any solution. All your
> suggestions are highly appreciated. I am pretty new to GTK programming
> and I come from Java/C# background. Hope someone there can help me with
> a seemingly simple problem.
> Thanks in advance
> Sirisha
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