On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 02:31 +0200, Paul Pogonyshev wrote:
> Russell Markus wrote:
> > I am trying to work on an application which has a combo box.  I want to
> > restrict the user to values that are included in the drop down list only.
> > My thought was to prevent the user from editing the value in the entry box,
> > but I can't seem to find a way to do this.
> > 
> > I am running Fedora Core 6, and developed the application using glade-2.  I
> > am not using the lib, but working with the generated C code.
> Um, that's exactly what GtkComboBox does, no?  To allow editing, you need
> a GtkComboBoxEntry.

He says he's using a combo box, but you suspect he's accidentally chosen
a GtkComboBoxEntry in glade?

  // Wally

Constructing a program is like painting a room.   A beginner at either
will start in one corner and end in another, left there to discover just
how important approach and technique are in obtaining a good result.

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