On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 16:40 -0500, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
> From that perspective, considering that we are speaking of a user
> base of developers that probably have experience dealing with 
> third party software packages, I find it stunning that people dont 
> just run an 'ls' in the package root.

Agreed.  I was a little bit taken aback by the original poster's lack of
desire to do any real research on the subject.  

I don't believe the libglade developers should expect to do anything
different than they already are.  I merely tossed out the gtk-demo idea
as just some thing that could be done sometime to help would-be
developers down the road.  I know gtk-demo itself has done wonders to
help me better learn how to program with gtk (the api docs are the
primary source though).

But I don't think we need to worry about these things further.  It's
always enlightening to have real discussions with developers (of gtk and
friends) and users on these lists.  Not something that happens often in
that other world!


> [...]
> > Agreed.  Perhaps when GTK includes the libglade stuff in the version 3.x
> > releases, gtk-demo can be partially rewritten to be use some glade files
> > and thus have a ready example of using the gladexml calls.
> The builder documentation will be a part of gtk+ ofcourse, that will
> be better.
> Cheers,
>                     -Tristan

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