On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 08:53:34AM -0400, Kevin Lambert wrote:
> Evidentally nothing, I don't know how many people have a GtkWindow kicking
> off a GtkDialog which then kicks off another GtkDialog...

I have.  Moreover, the attached code demonstrated arbitrary
deep nesting of modal dialogs that works.

> DispenserLoadDialog::load_button_clicked() kicks off DispenserLoadingDialog.
> When either DispenserLoadingDialog::ok_button_clicked() or
> DispenserLoadingDialog::cancel_button_clicked() are pressed the
> DispenserLoadingDialog is removed and
> DispenserLoadDialog::load_button_clicked() finishes executing but then the
> gtk_dialog_run in DispenserLoadDialog returns with a response id of 0.

If this is the code, how does one compile and execute it?

Well, at least we have found you have the problem in some
bindings with some unknown custom dialog class.


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