danielg RHCE wrote:
> I'm pulling my hair out over something that I believe should be easy but I
> cannot see it.
> I have a program that has your basic set of buttons, windows, switches and
> adjustables.  I have added a listener to tell me if a directory has been added
> to or changed.  The printf statement works great and says, "Directory changed"
> at all the right times and is silent at all the right other times.
> All I wanted to do was to refresh the directory listing inside the program,
> unfortunately, I don't know the data structure it uses to create the directory
> tree.  
> Easy enough, right?  All I have to do is tell the program that the refresh
> button has been clicked whenever the directory changes.
> No, I don't know enough to know what to put in this post to help, but I've got
> the code and I do have a decent idea how to read it, ask all the questions you
> like, I'll be happy to answer.  I'm stuck. 

Perhaps gtk_button_pressed() is what you are looking for?

"Emits a GtkButton::pressed signal to the given GtkButton."

There's also one for a clicked signal; not sure about the diff.

        -Mike Melanson
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