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Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> On Sat, 04 Aug 2007 22:50:06 +0100 Chris Vine wrote:
>> On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 22:07 +0800, Gregory Hosler wrote:
>>> That threads_enter/threads_leave doesn't look so bad, since I'm not
>>> doing alot of gtk withing my thread. Looks like it might be the way
>>> to go for me.
>> You may be missing the point.  If you access GTK+ from more than one
>> thread, then all operations with GTK+ need to protected with the GDK
>> lock, in any thread, including in the main GUI thread.  That is why
>> using g_idle_add() is often a better approach.
> Well, not really.  All gtk/gdk calls in the non-main thread need to be
> protected, and also calls in the main thread that are done from an
> idle or timeout function.  Calls in the main thread from a gtk signal
> handler don't need to be protected as they're called within the gdk
> lock already.  You also need to wrap gtk_main() in the main thread with
> gdk_threads_enter()/_leave().
> If you use the approach of always making gtk/gdk calls from the main
> thread (by calling g_idle_add() from other threads)

I'm looking for code examples specifically on how to use/implement g_idle_add().
Know any projects that uses g_idle_add() and related infrastructure?

many thanks and best rgds,

- -Greg

> then you shouldn't
> use gdk_threads_enter()/_leave() at all, and indeed shouldn't even call
> gdk_threads_init().  This is still, IMHO, the easier and more reliable
> approach (and will work on win32 as well as x11, whereas the above
> approach will not).
>       -brian
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| Greg Hosler                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
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