On Sun, 2007-08-12 at 22:12 +0200, David Nečas (Yeti) wrote:
> You are the first after a long time who bothered to use
> a debugger himself before posting to the list and included
> the actual code, the actual error messages and noted the
> place where it crashes (sort of) in the post.
> This is not a reason for an apology, but for opening
> a bottle of champagne...

I prefer Scotch, if you don't mind :).  I hate to even have to ask in a
forum or mailing list anyway.  What's the point...why not just have
someone write my app for me?  IMHO, Eric Steven Raymond's "How To Ask
Questions The Smart Way" should be required reading before even being
allowed to purchase a computer.

> BTW, ever heard of libgda/gnome-db?

Yes and I'll take that as a recommendation to utilize libgda in my

> Evidently, the tree model does not exist any more here (the
> other likely possibility would be passing a wrong
> pointer as the model, but I just happen to know).  And
> that's because here
> >     g_object_unref( part_model );


> Also, clearing the model and filling it with something
> completely different will not save much.  Creating a new
> model, filling it, calling gtk_tree_view_set_model() and
> unreferencing the new model can be even more efficient.

Yup, that was the problem.  I wasn't understanding exactly what was
going on.  Everything seems to be working as I want using this

Thank you for your time and the help.

Andrew "Weibullguy" Rowland
Reliability & Safety Engineer

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