On Thu, 2007-08-30 at 19:06 +0200, David Nečas (Yeti) wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 09:59:33PM +0800, Binary Chen wrote:
> > I want to put a event box in a treeview column, with a pixbuf in the
> > event box, how to set the column render?
> Cell renderers are not widgets, so this is impossible (==
> does not make sense). In some cases you can use (or abuse)
> the `activate' mechanism, subclass a cell renderer class and
> and override the activate() virtual method.  But IIRC only
> button press events are delivered this way.  So generally it
> will be probably necessary to track the events in the whole
> tree view and use the provided helper functions to find the
> cell corresponding to the event's coordinates.
> Yeti
And an alternative to me is embedded a button in a treeview column, but
I also don't know how to do... no renderer available.

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