Gabriele Greco wrote:
> A lot of users are asking me for the capability to change the font of an
>   application runtime.
> I know that the correct answer should be "change your gtk theme" or edit
> the application RC file, but while this kind of answer is good with
> power users, normal users often want to be able to grab a font from a
> list and quickly try it on the REAL application interface without the
> need of a restart.
> I know that I can change the font of a single widget with
> gtk_widget_modify_font(), and that I can change the font of EVERY future
> widget with something like:
> gtk_rc_parse_string("gtk-font-name=\"sans 13\"\n");
> But what if I want to change the font of the actual interface without
> having to close all the application window and open them again?
> I'm quite sure it's possible since I've seen a few apps doing it. Sadly
> I don't remember the apps, otherwise I'd go peek at their sources :)
> I think there should be cleaner way that a full iteration on the widget
> tree of every window and a gtk_widget_modify_font() Call on each widget,
> isn't it? :)

Not 100% sure, but this might be what you're looking for:

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