I'm writing a GLSL shader editor and I need to be able to create a loop that
will force the gtkglext widget to constantly refresh at 60Hz or less if the
frames take too long to render. I've tried to copy the code from the
logo.cexample but it just isn't refreshing. Honestly I'd rather stay
away from
g_timeout for this task. I tried using threads but it became really unstable
(segfaults) when calling
  /* Invalidate the whole window. */
  gdk_window_invalidate_rect (widget->window, &widget->allocation, FALSE);

  /* Update synchronously. */
  gdk_window_process_updates (widget->window, FALSE);
in the separate thread. Is there a way I could simply have the separate
thread send a redraw signal to the widget, and would that event work? I'm
open to just about any ideas that don't involve g_timeout.
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