> I got the gtk stuff from gtk+-bundle-2.12.10.zip
> but there does not seem to be anything for creating pixbufs from svg
> files. I can't figure out why this should be different from loaders for
> other stuff (jpg, png ...)

The difference is that the loaders for those formats are included in
the GTK+ sources. The SVG loader is part of a different piece of
software (librsvg). It is thus not part of the proper GTK+ stack. The
GTK+ bundle includes just components that are built from the GTK+
sources and their dependencies. Sure, one might argue that it would be
nice and logical to include also the SVG pixbuf loader, but that would
then drag in some other dependencies, see below. (Other again argue
that libglade binaries should be included in the GTK+ bundle. I have
to draw the line somewhere...)

The Windows binaries for the svg gdk-pixbuf loader are in the
svg-gdk-pixbuf-loader package. The currently latest version is at
It requires the librsvg DLL, in the librsvg package in the same
folder.  And the librsvg DLL then requires libcroco and libgsf. The
libcroco DLL then again requires the libxml2 DLL, and the libgsf DLL
requires the bzip2 and zlib DLLs. Finding those are left as an
exercise to the reader. They are in hopefully logical locations on the
same site. Note that in particular, binaries for stuff not directly
part of the GNOME and GTK+ stack is in ../../dependencies. Please
follow up if you find that something is missing...

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