2008/7/23 paragasu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> i am very new to gtk programming. I am sorry for this beginner
> questions, but after asking
> google i fail the get the right answer. I hope this mailing list will help me.
> anyone can please point me a way on how to save image to postgresql
> database and
> display the image again.

To save an image in Postgres, you can sither use a blob type, a binary
string, or convert your picture to an ASCII string (in base64 for
example) and use a normal string field. Loading it back is a matter of
doing the reverse.

As to display the image in GTK+, you can use
gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf() along with a GdkPixbufLoader. This is
what's done in Libgnomedb (for example in


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