I had a same problem a while ago with expose drawing, and it turned out that the problem was this:

to draw something in your handler, you must use "event->window" as a pointer to the window that is being drawn, not "widget->window" or anything else.

Once I've made that change, my expose drawing started to work fine.
You can see an example of this within my Notecase project source code (http://notecase.sourceforge.net/)

I hope this helps.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Soren Berg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <gtk-app-devel-list@gnome.org>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 4:43 PM
Subject: Drawing on gtk textview

I am trying to draw on a gtk textview's gdk window. I have set the textview
as app paintable before initialization and done the drawing in a callback
for the expose event of the textview as suggested
but have not had any luck.  Has this functionality been depreciated?  Do I
need to use composited windows somehow?  The previously linked discution
suggests that the OP got it working without them but he did not say how.

I would appricate any advice or information you could give me.

Thank you,
   -Soren Berg

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