With the recent news that Nokia will be releasing QT under LGPL, I'm seeing allot of knee-jerk anti-GTK comments out there. I know I'm preaching to the choir on this list, but for the sake of moral I thought I would post my 2 cents on the matter.

-I can't think of single QT application I even use. (although I admit I don't look for them)

-Without getting into a C vs C++ debate, being able to use GTK straight from C really is the whole universe right there. Try returning GUI objects from dynamically loadable modules without C. In general, C libraries mix together far better than C++ ones. I use GTK together with all kinds of stuff. I'm younger and learned C++ in school. I had to unlearn the damage. The guys I know that still believe C++ always have this mental model that every library needs to be wrapped in some sort of all-encompassing toolkit, or you can't use it.

-QT (last time I checked) is not even C++. It's C++ and a custom macro language. building ouch. debugging ouch. C++ paradigm ouch.

-HUGE: glib and gtk are separate. glib can be used on it's own. so one mental model to work with for gui and non-gui events.

-When you start getting into it, there is just no contest. I love GTK. I have no doubt that if I started to read about qt, that I would constantly be saying, "oh you can't do that", and "you mean you have to that". Long live GTK!

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