I found where the second signal is emited, but I can't block the emission of
the signal with this code:

Gtk.ToggleAction a;
unowned SList<Gtk.Widget> list

a = UIManager.get_instance ()
      .get_action ("view-start-page") as Gtk.ToggleAction;

list = a.get_proxies ();
foreach (Gtk.Widget proxy in list)
  a.block_activate_from (proxy);
  a.set_active (false);
  a.unblock_activate_from (proxy);

2009/3/24 gege2061 <gege2...@redaction-developpez.com>

> Hello,
> I use GtkUIManager and connect my main window on the 'post-activate' signal
> to process the actions.
> Sometimes the signal is sent twice.
> My UIManager class:
> http://code.google.com/p/valide/source/browse/trunk/libvalide/uimanager.vala
> And the connection of the window:
> http://code.google.com/p/valide/source/browse/trunk/libvalide/window.vala#77
> What is the problem?
> Thank's in advance.
> --
> Nicolas Joseph

Nicolas Joseph

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