On 07/18/2009 10:39 PM, Olivier Guilyardi wrote:
> On 07/18/2009 05:01 AM, Allin Cottrell wrote:
>> In some contexts my GTK app offers the user the opportunity to
>> copy chunks of output to the clipboard as RTF.  This is primarily
>> intended for use on MS Windows, but it also works fine for pasting
>> into (e.g.) an OpenOffice text document on Linux.  The chunk is
>> advertised via the relevant GtkTargetEntry as "application/rtf".
>> But this doesn't work on OS X (using GTK 2.14.N under X11).  All
>> paste targets, even ones that are certainly RTF-aware such as
>> OpenOffice, seem to ignore application/rtf and request plain text,
>> so that if pasting succeeds at all, it is just a raw dump of the
>> RTF "code".
>> If this a known issue of GTK/X11 on the Mac?  Is there a
>> workaround?  Or does it look as if I'm doing something wrong?
>> Thanks.
> I can't tell about X11 but the clipboard seems to work ok between my GTK-OSX
> 2.16 app and native OSX software, although GtkEntry expects Ctrl+* instead of
> Cmd+* shortcuts.

Oups.. please ignore my answer above. I read too fast, and didn't understand
your rtf-specific issue. I was talking about basic clipboard operations.

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