On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 11:22 +1000, Mick wrote:


> compiling with:
> gcc -Wall -g -o tutor main.c -export-dynamic `pkg-config --cflags
> --libs gtk+-2.0` produces an executable that runs just as expected.
> When I split the .c file into the main function as main.c and the
> 'callbacks' into callback.c and create the Makefile.am, configure.in,
> etc compilation runs without error and the exec runs but hangs after
> displaying: Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_show: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET
> (widget)' failed
> on:
>  gtk_widget_show(chat_window);

You need to add -export-dynamic to AM_LDFLAGS in Makefile.am.

A few more notes...

> configure.in

The filename "configure.ac" is preferred for modern autoconf.

> <code>
> AC_PREREQ([2.63])
> AC_INIT([nuchimp], [0.1], [cheifch...@myemail])
> AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([nuchimp], [0.1])

This is the old-style invocation of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.  You don't need
any arguments here.  (You can provide a list of options as the argument
instead; see the manual for details.)

> AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([config.h.in])
> AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h])
> # Checks for programs.
> GTK_CFLAGS="$GTK_CFLAGS `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`
> -export-dynamic" CFLAGS=" -g -O2"

FYI, your use of -export-dynamic isn't getting applied because it winds
up in INCLUDES, which are C preprocessor flags and thus not applied
during linking.  (Or maybe it's getting overwritten by your subsequent
use of AM_PATH_GTK_2_0 before that can happen.)

> # Checks for libraries.
> AM_PATH_GTK_2_0(2.2.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR(BUMMER, I needs GTK+ 2.2.0))

Use PKG_CHECK_MODULES instead of this macro.  See "man pkg-config" for
more information; but this should be sufficient:

        PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GTK], [gtk+-2.0 >= 2.2])

And you don't need to set GTK_CFLAGS explicitly.

> # Checks for header files.
> # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
> # Checks for library functions.
>                  src/Makefile])
> </code>
> Makefile.am
> <code>
> ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
> bin_PROGRAMS = nuchimp
> nuchimp_SOURCES = \
>       callback.c callback.h \
>       main.c main.h 

INCLUDES has been deprecated in favor of AM_CPPFLAGS.

Also, you should generally prefer using the make variable rather than
using the autoconf substitution directly (i.e., "$(GTK_CFLAGS)" instead
of "@GTK_CFLAGS@").  The advantage of the former is that it can be
overridden at make time (should that be convenient or necessary).

> LDADD           = @GTK_LIBS@

You should use AM_LDFLAGS for this instead of LDADD.

> CLEANFILES      = *~

As a matter of practice, I advise against having "make clean" remove
files that are not the product of a make invocation.


I don't know why this would be necessary.

Braden McDaniel <bra...@endoframe.com>

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