
I'm returning this back to the mailing list.

> Hmm. OK, going through gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes works
> for me, too. So there's something about the sequence of calls generating
> this other column that creates this behavior.
> This is part of a large GUI project so it goes through a utility
> function in our library.
> OK, I feel stupid now. The library function is adding a text renderer
> and then adding the renderer I specified rather than replacing it. I
> gather you can have multiple renderers in a column?

Sure you can. GtkTreeViewColumn implements GtkCellLayout interface,
which enables you to pack more than one cell renderer.

> So what I need to do is delete the text renderer somehow and leave the
> toggle renderer.

Looking at the API reference, there is no function to remove specific
cell renderer from cell layout. You can empty it using
gtk_cell_layout_clear, but this is the only thing I could find. Maybe
you can clear the column before adding your cell renderer?


Tadej Borovšak
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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