On 10/30/2009 05:48 PM, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> I am learning, so please bear with me!
> I have the following code:
>     def expandHome(self, model, iter=None, defaultHome=None):
>         ''' expand user's home directory '''
>         if not defaultHome:
>             return
>         ran = model.iter_n_children(iter)
>         for i in range(ran):
>             iter_n_child = model.iter_nth_child(iter, i)
>             path = model.get_path(iter_n_child)
>             pn = model[path][1]
>             idx = defaultHome.find(pn)
>             if idx > -1:
>                 Dbg.dPrint(" + File=%s" % pn)
>                 StoreTools.append_path(model, iter=iter_n_child)
>                 Display.tv.expand_row(path, False)
>                 self.expandHome(model, iter_n_child, defaultHome)
>         # Set cursor selection to the homepath here
>         Display.tv.set_cursor(path, focus_column=None, start_editing=False)
> The treestore is saved into a treeview, and the
> treeview is saved into a scrolledwindow.
> The above code expands the treeview on the user's
> home directory and it works, and the last step is to
> set the cursor or focus on the user's home directory
> of which I am not able to do.  The code:
> Display.tv.set_cursor(path, focus_column=None, start_editing=False)
> is a feeble attempt to do that and it is not working for
> me.
> Please advise?
I wanted to add a bit of clarification.  The goal is that once
the user's home directory is expanded, I wanted to bring the
expanded tree of "/home/some-user" into view in the scrolled
window, centered, so I may have the wrong method entirely.


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