On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 05:52:22PM +0000, Carlos Pereira wrote:
> Compiling with -DGSEAL_ENABLE these macros are flagged as errors:
> 1) GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS (removed)
> 2) GTK_WIDGET_SENSITIVE (replaced by gtk_widget_is_sensitive or  
> gtk_widget_get_sensitive)
> However, apparently they are not in the list of deprecated symbols.  
> Should that be changed?

This is probably an omission, they should be marked deprecated because
they access the GtkWidget struct fields directly and hence cannot work
with GSEAL.

> could you point me to a documentation page listing macros and other  
> things made obsolete with -DGSEAL_ENABLE, -DG_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES,  
> -DGTK_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES, etc. and its replacements?

GSEAL prevents accessing struct fields directly (including you doing it
e.g. by GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), I'm not sure it there's an official
list of affected macros.  Theoretically, all such are marked deprecated.

FOO_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES prevents inclusion of indvidual headers (as
opposed to library-level headers such as glib.h).  It does not affect
what symbols are defined.


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