gtk_tree_view_row_expanded looks like it should do the trick...
thanks! I can't believe I missed that in the docs.

Nonetheless, it feels a bit unnatural to replicate in my code behavior
that's already available in GtkTreeView, just so I can remap the
keys.. but whatever works, I guess (:


On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Tadej Borovšak <> wrote:
> Hello.
> Actually, things are not as contorted as you depicted here. For
> example, if you would hit the last node at path 2:3:2 (3rd root
> element, 4th element on level 1 and 3rd element on level 2),
> gtk_tree_model_iter_next() will return FALSE, which means that you
> need to get one level up. Getting one level up is as simple as calling
> gtk_tree_model_iter_parent() (this will give you node at path 2:3) and
> getting next iter on second level is again simple call to
> gtk_tree_model_iter_next() (and you get to the path 2:4).
> Should move to path 2:4:1 or to 2:5 on next move? It depends on what
> gtk_tree_view_row_expanded() function returns. (BTW, is this the API
> call you were missing?) In any case, things are again accomplished by
> simple call to gtk_tree_model_iter_children() for move to 2:4:1 or
> gtk_tree_model_iter_next() for move to 2:5.
> This mechanism can be implemented wit just a few simple if clauses in
> code that handles movement. You'll need to do some GtkTreeIter <->
> GtkTreePath conversions in order to get everything working, but apart
> from that, things should be relatively easy.
> Tadej
> --
> Tadej Borovšak
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