Oh, woops, just glanced at the documentation, well, I guess you could leave it 
with the ->label for now, and once 3.0 comes, switch over as both the method 
and GSEAL stuff will be in place at that point. You could always write the code 
for the transition now and add a preprocessor check like so:

// new code which gets the box's child
// old code you pasted in the mail

On Sun, 04 Jul 2010 06:57:48 +0100
Carlos Pereira <jose.carlos.pere...@ist.utl.pt> wrote:

> On 07/04/10 06:17, Nader Morshed wrote:
> > statusbar = gtk_statusbar_new ();
> > label = gtk_statusbar_get_message_area (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar));
> > gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.5, 0.5);
> >    
> Thanks Nader, I believe you are in the right path (although the 
> documentation actually says this returns a box, not a label):
> http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/GtkStatusbar.html#gtk-statusbar-get-message-area
> Anyway this has been added in Gtk 2.20, I am still running 2.18.3, lots 
> of users also, it might be better to wait...
> Thanks!
> Carlos
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