On Tue, 2010-08-24 at 22:44 -0700, Ardhan Madras wrote:

> Why the application need to move to GTK+ 3 which still in development 
> progress?

because after gtk+ 2.24 is released, in parallel with gtk+ 3.0 this
December, the 2.x branch goes into deep maintainance mode: no further
releases will be done and only patches fixing critical bugs will be

gtk+ 3.0 is the next major version: new features will only be added

this is the "grace period" when application developers can still
influence the API and feature set of 3.x; after 3.0 has been released,
the API and ABI guarantees come into effect and you'll have to wait
until 4.x for another API/ABI break.

obviously, distributions will still package gtk+ 2.0 for the foreseeable
future, so you don't *have* to port your application *now*.


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