On Mon, 2011-01-10 at 11:40 +0100, Edheldil wrote:
> Dear listmembers,
> I am writing an application in Python+libglade (*) which displays a long
> table of objects and their properties (geocaches, actually. Similar to
> GSAK or GeoGet). The problem is that with more than 15000 objects the
> TreeView starts to get rather unresponsive.
> Is there a better alternative?

libgdaui (in libgda) provides widgets to show data from databases,
though I don't use it personally yet. There might be python bindings.

> I guess it's probably possible to display only several pages of objects
> and handle ScrollBar manually, but that looks inelegant and tedious. Is
> there a better way? Some better suited widget, capable of displaying
> icons, simple markup and filtering/sorting? I remember there being some
> table widget, but it seemed to be limited back when I was looking at it.
> Regards,
> Edheldil
> (*) will port it to Gtk Builder eventually
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