On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 08:47:48PM +0100, Jaroslav Šmíd wrote:
>> I am running ubuntu 10.10 and Gnome 2.32.0.  I am a bit afraid to update
>> via a install from a tar download because of all the dependence issues
>> on ubuntu.  Is there a way to update via command line or synaptic?
> Install gtk2-dev (or something like that). It will install most of  
> required depencies to build new glib and gtk3.
> After that, download glib, and install like this:
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/gtk3-stuff
> ...
> Nothing to be afraid of as long as you install to /opt/gtk3-stuff and  
> not to /usr.

This is a good advice *but* /opt should be replaced with $HOME/opt or
something similar.  Unless you actually need to test packaging and
system integration don't do anything as root.  (And even if you perform
such testing you generally want to do it in chroot or a virtual
machine that can be safely destroyed.)


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