On 11/02/11 09:13, David Nečas wrote:

While I agree having a clean-up function could be useful in some cases
(dynamical modules with GUI) this ‘widespread expectation in C++’ stuff
is just rubbish.


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
I have been amazed by the expertise shown by posters to this thread and propose a solution.

A stub "gtk-tidy() be implemented as an empty procedure. People who want this function can investigate it and supply what is needed. Maybe the project could fork from GTK as GTKX where X indicates "eXpert". It might later be merged back into GTK

Open Source generally produces intelligent discussion which ends up producing excellent products such as GTK, and if GTKX is even better, then we all win. The people who want this can do it... A useful aspect of open source, as experience teaches.

As an analogy, hairdressers make the world a better place... lots of women with beautiful hair cuts. A woman wants her head shaved, so the haiddresser does it, and the bald headed woman is happy for a while. An experienced hairdresser might have refused the job... You want your head shaved go somewhere else.

Now our hairdresser has a test drive in an F1 car. Doesn't like the acceleration, not like her Ford.

Well in this case, VB is the Ford and GTK the F1 car. There are not many F1 car drivers around, if you want to drive an F1 car, you have to learn how to handle it, dont complain about the acceleration.

I think the best idea to come from this discussion is....

If you are having problems with free(), provide your own version of free(). If you implement this as an empty routine, many testing issues will disappear. List contributors wishing to increase their expertise will be amazed at how simple it is to fix basic errors they get which are caused by unreliable code outside of their control.
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