On Tue, 2011-02-15 at 20:47 -0800, Patrick Noble wrote:
> My names Patrick Noble, and was hoping for a few pointers... I am interested
> in learning about and helping out in a development project 

The best thing to do is get involved in a project that _uses_ GTK. Pick
something on the GNOME desktop that you like and have a good poke around
inside it to see how it does business. Evince, the PDF viewer, has a
good reputation. I'm sure others can suggest different apps worthy of

Concurrently, start working on something *small* that uses GTK so you
get a good feel, over time, for what it's like to use the library and
its API. After a while you'll start to get a sense of things.

Finally, you can certainly subscribe to the other GTK lists (and if
you're really brave, to the gtk+ bugzilla traffic) and start seeing how
development happens.

The biggest thing, though, is that you don't have to learn it all by
yourself. Studying (and, more to the point, working on) existing code
bases (such as the Evince example earlier) will help you learn about how
to pull larger applications together. No one teaches that part in



Andrew Frederick Cowie

Operational Dynamics is an operations and engineering consultancy
focusing on IT strategy, organizational architecture, systems
review, and effective procedures for change management: enabling
successful deployment of mission critical information technology in
enterprises, worldwide.


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