Thanks Tadej.  I spent some time reading cairo document and tried what
you suggested.  I store a cairo surface and use cario_paint to redraw
the surface.  The result, however, is the same as I did with
gdk_draw_drawable: the background is scribled.  The problem might be
that the drawing surface is not properly set to transparent.  Do you
know how to do that?


- Chris

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Tadej Borovšak <> wrote:
> Hello.
>> I'm new to gtk programming so this might be a very dummy question.  I
>> use a DrawingArea to draw a map with three layers: the background map,
>> the legend window, and app data.  Since the legend layer does not
>> change often, can I store it in a pixmap and simply copy it rather
>> than redraw it every time the map and app data change?
> I would suggest that you use cairo to do all of the drawing. Then you
> can "store" your drawings onto cairo surface and paint it when needed.
> Cheers,
> Tadej
> --
> Tadej Borovšak
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