On 1 March 2011 08:20, Miroslav Rajcic <raj...@sokrates.hr> wrote:
> I am trying to make the "Pause" button flash (or show any similar behaviour
> similar to that) when the pause state is active.
> So far I tried many things, but none of these seem to work:
> - changing the button background color
> - changing the button stock icon

Alternating between two different stock items is quite easy when you
know how, but I had to ask here for help.
If you have two images,

img1 = gtk_image_new_from_stock( GTK_STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY,
img2 = gtk_image_new_from_stock( GTK_STOCK_MEDIA_STOP,

 /* convert img1 and img2 from floating references which
are deleted when no longer in use, to a normal reference.
this prevents either of the images being deleted when we
swap the play/stop button images. unref'd after gtk_main.

then in your idle callback simply use gtk_button_set_image,
alternating between the two images every time the function is called
(ie you could use a static gboolean to track which button to show each

then once gtk_main returns:

/* free the play & stop images */


> - changing the button relief style
> Relevant code is following:
> //start timer to alternate the button state
> nBlinkButtonTimerID  = g_timeout_add (900, flash_pause_button_timer, NULL);
> gboolean flash_pause_button_timer(gpointer data)
> {
> static bool bFlipFlop = false;
> bFlipFlop = !bFlipFlop;
> //get pointers to the relevant buttons
> GtkToolbar *toolbar2 = (GtkToolbar *)lookup_widget(window1, "toolbar2");
> GtkWidget *tool_pause = (GtkWidget *)gtk_toolbar_get_nth_item(toolbar2, 2);
> GList *children1 = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(tool_pause));
> GtkButton *button = (GtkButton *)g_list_nth_data (children1, 0);
> g_list_free(children1);
> GtkWidget *tool_stop = (GtkWidget *)gtk_toolbar_get_nth_item(toolbar2, 1);
> //create two alternating colors (standard bkg and black bkg)
> GtkStyle* style = gtk_rc_get_style(tool_stop);
> GdkColor rgbStart = style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL];
> GdkColor rgbEnd = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
> //modify color
> gtk_widget_modify_bg (GTK_WIDGET(button), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, (bFlipFlop)?
> &rgbEnd : &rgbStart);
> gtk_widget_modify_bg (GTK_WIDGET(button), GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, (bFlipFlop)?
> &rgbEnd : &rgbStart);
> gtk_widget_modify_base (GTK_WIDGET(button), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, (bFlipFlop)?
> &rgbEnd : &rgbStart);
> gtk_widget_modify_base (GTK_WIDGET(button), GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, (bFlipFlop)?
> &rgbEnd : &rgbStart);
> gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET(button));
> #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,18,0)
> gdk_window_process_updates (gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(button)),
> TRUE);
> #else
> gdk_window_process_updates (GTK_WIDGET(button)->window, TRUE);
> #endif
> /*
> GtkWidget *w1 =
> gtk_tool_button_get_icon_widget(GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(tool_pause));
> gtk_widget_modify_bg (w1, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, (bFlipFlop)? &rgbEnd :
> &rgbStart);
> gtk_widget_modify_bg (w1, GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, (bFlipFlop)? &rgbEnd :
> &rgbStart);
> gtk_widget_modify_base (w1, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, (bFlipFlop)? &rgbEnd :
> &rgbStart);
> gtk_widget_modify_base (w1, GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, (bFlipFlop)? &rgbEnd :
> &rgbStart);
> */
> //modify relief style
> gtk_button_set_relief(button, (bFlipFlop)?
> //modify stock icon
> gtk_tool_button_set_stock_id(GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(tool_pause), (bFlipFlop)?
> gtk_tool_item_toolbar_reconfigured (GTK_TOOL_ITEM(tool_pause));
> return TRUE;
> }
> Why doesn't any of these work ? Any tips ?
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