On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Bernhard Schuster
<schuster.bernh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi I am trying to achieve the effect of new tab openening if one tab gets
> selected. Unfortunaltly the doc is very sparse on that:
> http://developer.gnome.org/gtk/stable/GtkNotebook.html as of using the
> "select-page" signal. Can anyone give me a hint how to use it properly with
> a g_signal_connect function?
> Note: I am still in a learning phase so please be patient with me :)
> What I tried so far:
> gboolean
> derived_notebook_insert_page (DerivedNotebook *obj, gboolean b, gpointer
> data)
> {
> // do page insert
> }
> and within foo_derived_notebook_init: g_signal_connect (obj, "select-page",
> G_CALLBACK (derived_notebook_insert_page), NULL);
> If anybody could shed some light of what the return value is for, and how to
> achiev what I want, thanks very much

  First of all if you are deriving the notebook, you should not connect a
signal handler but instead override the class vfunc (in this case would
be GtkNotebookClass->select_page).

Also, "select-page" is generally a keybinding signal used to move
focus (it's used when one of the tabs have keyboard focus and
spacebar is pressed to make that tab's page the current page,
the return value I believe is whether the notebook keeps focus or

Probably you want to use the "switch-page" vfunc which will be
called to do the work of actually changing the current page (whether
it's done by code or by user interaction, so you might have to
be careful to avoid recursion here).

Also, I have a hard time imagining how it would be desirable
to open a new tab as a result of selecting a different tab (maybe
some more context here would let us give you better advice).


> Regards
> B.
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