On Tuesday 05 July 2011 16:19:00 Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> On 2011-07-05 at 15:05, z...@excite.it wrote:
> > void my_gtk_entry_set_text(GtkEntry *entry, char *data)
> > {
> >     char *tmp;
> > 
> >     if (!data) data = "";
> > 
> >     if (g_utf8_validate(data, -1, NULL) != TRUE) {
> >             tmp = g_locale_to_utf8(data, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); 
> >             gtk_entry_set_text(entry, tmp);
> >             xfree(&tmp);
>                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> agh!
> g_locale_to_utf8() returns memory allocated through the GLib API; you
> need to call g_free() to free it. *do not* mix GLib's memory allocation
> functions with other allocation functions.

to be honest :-) I'm doing this for a long time and never experienced problems.
Cannot imagine glib calling something different than malloc/calloc/realloc at 
the low level
so unless there are some special profiler or debug functions free should be ok 
or at least
it for me worked flawlessly in linux and windows. I think there must be more 
than a simple no-no.
Thanks for your hint will try to correct this bad habit in the future.
To fix my code a simple

#define malloc g_malloc
#define free     g_free
#define calloc  g_calloc
#define realloc g_realloc

should do it. Right?

> ciao,
>  Emmanuele.
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